
Friday, May 29, 2015


Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay but last Thursday we introduced a new member of our family into the world. Elliana was born Thursday at 11:00 PM and was a tiny baby weighing only 6 lbs 7 oz. Once she was born all gaming pretty much came to an abrupt halt. Hopefully in a week or two we will be able to get a schedule set up and I can return to gaming, if only a portion of what I once played. 

Now, before she was born I did have the opportunity to play The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt for two and a half days. While playing for that short time I didn't progress very far into the story so don't spoil ANYTHING for me. The beginning is pretty secluded and keeps on the story. Once we get to our first town we are able to take reign and go about the world on our own. Once this happened the story halted almost immediately and running around collecting herbs was all I did. Even after the hours of herb collecting there were only a few things I was able to create so needless to say this area of the game is extremely vast and is it's own mini game.

I have an amazing wife and she knew I was getting anxious and that video games are stress relief for me and that I didn't want to push the issue so she gave me an hour to play. An hour may not be much to some people but after 4 days straight on only a handful hours of sleep, one hour was more than enough. The game that I chose to play was the Witcher because I didn't get enough playing out of it before our baby was born and for the first 30 minutes all I did was.... run around and collect herbs. Potions and crafting is huge in this game. In one fight I go through so much "edible" food that heals our hero so the more I get now the better off I will be later in the game. After the 30 minutes of being a gardener I decide it was time to do a little combat. Combat in this game is fluid and easy to understand but at some points, hard to execute. I hope I get to play this game soon because it is such a good game. Fantasy and role playing games has always been my favorite genre in video games because I can just get lost in a world the creators made and spend hours upon hours doing things I can't in other genre games... like gathering herbs or just riding a horse across the map.

Off the gaming subject and back to my wife and baby stuff. I am doing everything I can to keep my wife home but I haven't been very successful yet. We both started blogs to hopefully generate revenue at some point to give a supplement income. I know it takes time, patience and dedication to keep a blog going to the point that it creates enough money to call it a supplement income so I have had other ideas for her. We are currently trying (unsuccessfully doing Amazons Mturk) which is basically doing surveys to make money but the amount of time to make any money isn't what we are looking for. Our next little adventure I think can turn around my outlook on her staying home. Since she is amazing at crafts we are going to try buying clearance items and create unique items to sell at our local flee market. It is a lot of work but it would keep her occupied during the day/week and hopefully bring in some money during the weekend. Plus, she really likes to do crafts so it is a win win situation. 

Thanks for reading up to this point. Hopefully my next post will have game content in it from the week that my wife lets me play games :) Keep up with me on twitter and I will let you know when I game and stream. 

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